Wood, Brass
Live edge lumber is joined with scrap architectural salvage. The use of found material is a way of addressing legacy, problems we didn’t create but inherit nonetheless. Output as input, generating feedback loops. When a house is destroyed, when a tree dies—what constructive action can be built from this grief? Working within a waste economy is a healing ritual, finding new purpose for each part left behind. To achieve belonging within collectivity, geometry must facilitate unity across difference. Joinery is the practical work of reconciling those inherent contradictions that exist within such plurality. Disparate, incongruent parts must compromise in service of a cohesive whole.
A boundary unites as well as divides. It can be a bridge or a border. Alternating intervals of negative and positive space create a screen, filtering energy. Sight, sound, movement—each are partially, but not completely, obstructed. From our respective sides, we perceive each other but can’t reach each other.
BOUNDARY is self-similar across scale, cascading structures of waveforms comprised of waveforms comprised of waveforms. The parts are smaller versions of the whole. The virtual model of the total sculpture is laser etched onto a single piece of material, before that part is then cut into fragmented multiples, dispersed and recombined in a disordered sequence. This marking, severing, dispersing, and reuniting creates complex intersections in which authenticity is destabilized, hybridity is rampant, origins are obscured, and each part contains a trace of every other.